When I see the Rainfall in the summer monsoon, some words play in my mind, it’s one of the heavenly things on this planet earth and definitely, it is..
In my country monsoon come from late May and falling it’s pleasure to October. We can variously feel the beauty of rainfall, it can flourish her beauty in green hills, empty beaches, forests in a different look. After the tropical heat of summer, every environmental part starts dying and then the monsoon arrives with her joy of happiness, with the beauty of heaven.
The fact is, Even though winter is my favourite season, the love for monsoon is always alive in my heart. As far as I remember, when I was a kid I could often feel bored in the monsoon. At that time I couldn't go out to my room to playing with my buddies, but nowadays as an adult, I always feel this priceless glamour of rainfall. Whenever rainfall is starting I wish I were in a green empty silent field on the downside of a hill, I wish I were on a long empty beach and I felt the rain like how Andy feels the rainfall after in the movie 'The Shawshank Redemption', I wish I were in a watchtower in the nearside of huge Lake.
So, which is the most romantic season? Monsoon or Spring? Yeah, I know most of you guys will choose Spring. It's the most colourful season and that makes it sentimental but for me, Monsoon can shake up our romanticism most. Just imagine you and your soulmate feels the beauty of rainfall simultaneously in your small wooden home.
By the way, everyone has different choices and end of the day every season flourish their glamour in unique ways, We just should feel it from our heart, and save our gorgeous planet earth from various emissions.
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