Yeah, we all have a social media account, maybe even more! In there we spend a considerable amount of valuable time in our daily life. The truth is we're compelled to spend more time on it because those multi-billion dollar companies spent most of their penny to design their site like that which can fell us to an illusion when we on it! The more time people will spend here, the owners of those sites filled their pockets with money, it’s the reality.
Since social media exist to the public, I have to say plenty of positive stuff they offered to us. They made a revulsion which changed the way of social communication since our ancient time. It’s one of the prime reasons to accelerate the global village belief. Nowadays, people meet each other online from anywhere in the world, we can communicate with our friends and household to more speedy ever. Everyone has expressed their live impressions to all of the surrounding souls as well as students are sharing their homework, discuss the lessons with classmates. The main thing is that we are so involved in social media, isn't it?
Even though it has many advantages, the so-called social media silently takes us away from each other. People are going to forget how to communicate face to face! We have made a fantasy profile on those sites and busy showing fake impressions throughout the world. We add plenty of personal information on it that we shouldn't and that would be destructive for our private life. Every day millions of people are involving in online platforms and unfortunately, some evil has risen considerably who are conscious about collect people’s private data from it! They can ruin our life to spread or using personal information.
Furthermore, in my view, the most harmful thing about social media is it's just a tight-lipped time killing element that ruined our valuable time like how a leech sucks our blood.
It's obvious that at this time we have to live throughout the cyber world, but why we need to addicted to it? We should use every tool of our surroundings like that we can evacuate or break down from it anytime. in social media, there is nothing special than actual focus on your career, man. Learn and teach yourself to DEACTIVATE the Social sites whenever you need 😊
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