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Showing posts from 2021

Falling in a fake world!

  We have all of the mysterious technology on our hands and it makes our life effortless. However, are we use this pleasure in the right way? Or are we going to ruin our natural life slowly and unconsciously? Let's talk about the most time-consuming two fantasy stuff in our real life. 1, Online Gaming, 2.Social Media. At this time it is obvious that we have to invest some time in social media and online gaming that can help to communicate with new people and self-pleasure. However, the saddest thing is people are becoming addicted to these two things and addiction will not bring good results. They fall into a fake fantasy world that doesn't exist indeed! We destroyed our priceless time as well as energy for the fake stuff. I believe that we can use all of that social media platforms as a great learning platform. I have seen thousands of great Facebook groups and pages that continuously teach people about various educational topics, but the truth is only a few proportions of the

Experience Real Happiness in the Night.

  “The night is rising, that night that is a thousand years old” - Probably it is the deepest quote about the night by a legendary novelist of our country ever, which name was Jahir Rayhan. Movies like 'Midnight in Paris' or evergreen 'Before Trilogy' showed us how beautiful and mysterious the night can be! I'm nocturnal, grew up as an introvert which reinforced me to love peace, be taciturn and keeps the placid environment surrounding me. It is obvious that in the daytime there is always crowded, shouted as well as thousands of vehicles making noise simultaneously and it's a hell situation for introverted individuals. However, the night is forever calm, as a consequence, I fell in love with the night slowly. I left my village for 6 years and it's all of my young age. From those days, until today I'm used to going out to my room for walking alone in the footpath of big urban roads, gossiping with my buddies at night. I can walk for hours to hours alone,

Winter days of my Childhood.

  What are you miss most from your childhood days? For me, it's those foggy winter mornings. I grew up in the Bangladeshi countryside which was surrounded by actual green and rural nature. In those days, I used to waking up very early morning even though I didn't like it, you should know 😬 my strict father had to harangue me and my younger brother for this. Who wants to get out from the blanket in that cold weather? man.  Despite the whole boredom, when I went to the mosque for religious studies with my buddies, believe me, it was just stunning. I had better say, during the time me and my brother brushed our teeth and freshen up, my lovely Mum used to make tea and bread for us, it's the ancient breakfast in a rural area at that time. When I completed primary school, approximately at the same time I completed my basic religious studies and I started to go to high school which is 2 km away from my home. At that time I was joined in private tuition so that I had to go there v

Have you ever feel the beauty of the Rainfall?

 When I see the Rainfall in the summer monsoon, some words play in my mind, it’s one of the heavenly things on this planet earth and definitely, it is.. In my country monsoon come from late May and falling it’s pleasure to October. We can variously feel the beauty of rainfall, it can flourish her beauty in green hills, empty beaches, forests in a different look. After the tropical heat of summer, every environmental part starts dying and then the monsoon arrives with her joy of happiness, with the beauty of heaven. The fact is, Even though winter is my favourite season, the love for monsoon is always alive in my heart. As far as I remember, when I was a kid I could often feel bored in the monsoon. At that time I couldn't go out to my room to playing with my buddies, but nowadays as an adult, I always feel this priceless glamour of rainfall. Whenever rainfall is starting I wish I were in a green empty silent field on the downside of a hill, I wish I were on a long empty beach and I

Let's Deactivate your social media account!

  Yeah, we all have a social media account, maybe even more! In there we spend a considerable amount of valuable time in our daily life. The truth is we're compelled to spend more time on it because those multi-billion dollar companies spent most of their penny to design their site like that which can fell us to an illusion when we on it! The more time people will spend here, the owners of those sites filled their pockets with money, it’s the reality.   Since social media exist to the public, I have to say plenty of positive stuff they offered to us. They made a revulsion which changed the way of social communication since our ancient time. It’s one of the prime reasons to accelerate the global village belief. Nowadays, people meet each other online from anywhere in the world, we can communicate with our friends and household to more speedy ever. Everyone has expressed their live impressions to all of the surrounding souls as well as students are sharing their homework, discuss the

Be Productive In Lockdown..

 Since the end of 2020, The world has seen a new deadly virus called Covid-19 and it made us learn some unfamiliar words such as Pandemic, Epidemic and of course the most boring 'Lockdown'. For the reason of Covid-19 viruses, the government's imposing Lockdown in almost all countries worldwide. We are compelled to avoid affected nations, cancelling flights, lock-up to the borders etc… Let's talk about the main point. Although lockdown is effective for controlling the spreading of deadly viruses to people, however, it not efficient stuff for our daily life as well as the national economy. In the period of that time, everything stays gridlock so most of us become bore in the home and it makes us unproductive therefore we going to be stressed indeed.  By the way, we live in the modern era and we all have an electronic communication device such as Smartphone, Tab or PC. So pretty easily we can enter the plenty of online courses which is available on the Internet. Some well-

International one..

Migration! Nowadays it's a common word because of a large number of people leaving their own country for the reason of war, political crisis and high unemployment rates. As a consequence, it's getting the most media coverage ever before as a crucial political issue worldwide throughout the last 10-15 years. People left their homes to the unknown to discover new destinations, collecting resources, since our ancient periods and that's why now we can see the magnificent cultural biodiversity in every corner of our planet. We wondering how Brazilians speaks Portuguese when Portugal was a thousand miles far from it! Argentine speaks Spanish as well! Britain rules the whole world from a small land of Europe but they went out to just business, made a settlement in Australia, with their prisoners! now Australia is stunning for everything! These are happening for once people push their boat throughout the brutal unknown deep ocean. Leaving sweet home for seeing the unknown is in our

Upgrade yourself over Time..

Look at the pictures, 50 years ago some evils tried to stop Katherine Switzer running in the Boston marathon. After that, at her 70, she ran it again. This time all the people’s are applauded her ! Time is changing, every individuals must be updated themselves from worst to best, It’s mandatory. You haven’t any rights to show aggression against women, minority and different believers whose are seems weaker than you now. If anyone can did it once, they'll be marked as a worst person in history book and next generation will mocking like that's way how we mocked whose tried to stop Katherine in Boston☝😐 I just wanna say, don't run 'blindly' in the wrong trending way, at least give a chance to your brain for analysis every f**ng thing. We don’t know about every single right or wrong things, we haven't here anything like some unique rules, what’s we've use in algebra and those are showed us what's best for ourselves and around us, right? So, analyzing capabi